best urologist, sexologist & andrologist in kanpur

Best Urologist in Kanpur | Top Urology Hospital / Clinic in Kanpur

Urology Treatment in Kanpur

Urology is a branch of medical science which deals with all medical and surgical problems of the urinary tract of both men and women and also genital and sexual problems of men.

Dr. Himanshu Chaudhary – Best Urologist in Kanpur

Urine is composed of wastes and water. The urinary tract includes your kidneys, ureters, and bladder. To urinate normally, the urinary tract needs to work together in the correct order.


Common Urology problem and their treatment in Kanpur


  1. The disease of Prostate-Men has a special unique gland called prostate. But don’t worry Dr. Himanshu Chaudhary is the best urologist and these diseases are treatable.
  1. Urinary Lithiasis(Stone Disease)-Stones in the urinary tract are a very common disease and can damage kidneys in particulars to such as kidney failure can occur. Thus disease should not take lightly, treatment is available by URS, PCNL, Mini PCNL. The presentation of stone is equally important. This is a recurrence disease.
  1. Strictures of Urethra—Narrowing of urinary passages is known as structure. This can affect both males and females but it is very common in males. Good effective treatment can be done by the operation of urethroplasty using buccal mucosa or skin grafts.


Dr. Himanshu Chaudhary is one of the best Urologists in Kanpur.

His primary focus is utmost patient care with the latest available modalities, in an environment of deep human care and compassion.

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